What is Live Indoor and Outdoor Tracking?
This solution is for Vector S7 customers who want to collect live data indoors and outdoors independently and concurrently during a training session. A permanent outdoor live data tracking system (GNSS) is hardwired to an indoor ClearSky system (LPS). Data captured from either system is presented to the OpenField console and can be streamed to multiple iPads through the Vector Live App.
Live Indoor and Outdoor Tracking Requirements
Outdoor System - Live Outdoor Fixed Infrastructure (GPS)
Indoor System - ClearSky (LPS)
- Vector S7 Devices with firmware 6.10+
OpenField Console 3.0+
iPad with Vector Live App 2.0+
How to run an Activity with both Indoor and Outdoor Live Tracking
Connect the OpenField Console to the Indoor ClearSky system through Stadium Mode or direct through an Ethernet connection.
Place your additional portable receivers outside in their designated locations and power them on (if necessary).
Open the OpenField console.
From the OpenField console, start an new Activity. Select 'Dual (GPS & LPS)' as the Activity Type.
Hit the 'Play' Button in the top right corner of the OpenField Console. Once hit, the button will change to a 'Pause' Button.
To track indoor athletes:
From the Active Players box, select the athlete you want to add to the Period and then click '+Period LPS' to add the athletes to an LPS Period.
To track outdoor athletes:
From the Active Players box, select the athlete you want to add to the Period and then click '+Period GPS' to add the athletes to an GPS Period.
Incorporating an iPad into your Dual workflow
Login to the Vector Live App from an iPad using the same credentials that were used to login into the OpenField console. Ensure the correct region is selected.
- Connect both the Catapult Laptop and iPad to the same hotspot or same local WiFi network (i.e if Catapult has supplied a Catapult AP WiFi, you can connect through this).
Create and start a Vector Live Transmit Widget from the OpenField Console. For more information on how to start a Live Transmit Widget, please see our Console to Vector Live Streaming guide.
On the iPad, open Vector Live app, you will be prompted to join the session in progress. Click the 'Join Activity' button that automatically populates when another Activity is discovered.
From the next menu, if you want to create, edit and delete Periods from the Vector Live App, select 'Edit mode'. If you want to view data only, click 'Read only mode'.
Edit and Create 'GPS' Periods from the Vector Live App. For more information on how to edit and create Periods from the Vector Live App, please see our Vector Live iPad App - Quick Start Guide.
Edit and Create 'LPS' Periods from the OpenField Console. For more information on how to edit and create Periods from the OpenField Console, please see our How to create, edit and delete Periods guide.
Please note:
Both GPS and LPS Periods will populate on all devices connected to the Activity.
The Vector Live App cannot create LPS Periods when connected to the Outdoor Fixed Live Infrastructure.