What is an Athlete?
An athlete in OpenField is the 'profile' used to identify individual athlete's you wish to monitor. Athletes can be added individually or all at once through a csv import. To set default values for athletes profiles, please see our Default Athlete Profile Settings guide.
How to Create an Individual Athlete
- Log into the cloud and select the Settings tab.
- Click the Athletes tab from the Settings menu.
- Select the desired Team from the drop down menu (if multiple teams are set up).
- To add an individual athlete, click Add athlete.
- Fill in all necessary information in the Add Athlete menu and select Save Changes. Information that is necessary in order to create an Athlete includes:
- Fill in any additional athlete information such as:
- Height in centimetres
- Weight in kilograms
- Max Heart Rate
- Max Velocity (m/s)
- Fill Color: The fill color of the icon that is used to represent the athlete on a Tactical Widget
- Stroke Color: The border color of the icon that is used to represent the athlete on a Tactical Widget
- Icon: The shape of the icon that is used to represent the athlete on a Tactical Widget
After the athlete is created, open up the OpenField Console and Sync to apply the roster change to the console. See OpenField Sync for more information on how to perform a Sync.
How to Add Multiple Athletes
- Log into the cloud and select the Settings tab.
- Click the Athletes tab from the Settings menu.
- Select the desired Team from the drop down menu (if multiple teams are set up).
- To add an multiple athletes, click Import CSV.
- Click Download Template to download the template needed to upload all athletes. Fill out all the columns in the template for each athlete on your team. Note: The 'Jersey or Initials' for each Athlete must be unique to any other Athlete in your account and be less than 3 characters.
Save as a .csv file.
- After the template has been completed and saved, click Choose File on the Import CSV interface and select the completed template.
- After the athletes are created, open up the OpenField Console and Sync to apply the roster change to the console. See OpenField Sync for more information on how to perform a Sync.