Peak 5 minute values can be useful for determining the point during an activity where the team or athlete was working the hardest.
The below example demonstrates m/min but you can simply add more parameters if you wish.
Steps in OpenField
- Open desired Activity in OpenField.
- Select Interval instead of Period.
- Set interval time to 60sec (recommended).
- Set up table with parameters that you would like to look at (m/min, HSRm/min).
- Click Settings button on table, export CSV.
- Set up exported CSV spreadsheet the same as attached spreadsheet.
Steps in Excel spreadsheet
- Set up a table for all exported data on 1st worksheet.
- Create a new worksheet and set up pivot table on it.
- Set pivot table data source to the table created on the 1st worksheet.
- Use time as Rows in pivot table (this will give values for all players who have data at each minute), use desired parameters as Values.
- Set summarise values by Average in pivot table.
- Set up average formula on right hand side of pivot table (see spreadsheet for formula).
- Find max value of moving average (see spreadsheet for formula).