This guide describes how you can stream via the web from OpenField Console to Vector Live (iPad). For information on how you can stream locally over the same network please see this article.
Requirements to Connect the OpenField Console with Vector Live
An OpenField Console to iPad(s) data stream allows user to view and edit live data for an Activity from either the OpenField Console or a connected iPad.
Vector Live App 2.7+ needs to be installed on your iPad
OpenField Console build 3.41+
Device Firmware 8.10+ is needed
Receiver Firmware 8.10+ is needed
Video Guide
How to connect the OpenField Console to Vector Live for Live Data capture
Step 1: Setup the console
In the OpenField Console, start a live Activity.
Note: Ensure the OpenField console is connected to the Vector Receiver via USB.For more information on these steps, please see our Recording a Live Activity and How to connect the Vector Receiver to the Computer guides.
If the Activity is indoors, please ensure you are indoor mode and 'LPS' is selected as the Device Type. If the Activity is outdoors, ensure you are in outdoor mode and 'GPS' is selected as the Device Type. If you are tracking both indoor and outdoors simultaneously, please see our How to run an Activity with both Indoor and Outdoor Live Tracking.
- In the OpenField Console, right click on any white space within a Dashboard then click New Widget > Transmit > OF+ Livecast.
Note: If you are using OpenField Console build 3.9+, please click New Widget > Live Stream > Remote Internet/4G. If you cannot see the OF+ Livecast or Remote Internet/4G option please reach out to Support.
- Press the Play button on the Vector Live Transmit widget to start transmitting data to the iPad. The Transmit Widget will display 'Transmitting Data to Vector Live' when a connection to the App is active.
Step 2: Connect the Vector Live App to the Console Stream
- Login to the Vector Live App with the same credentials used to login to the OpenField Console. Ensure the correct region is selected.
From the Vector Live App,
Select iPad Connection Type: Streaming.
Use Remote Internet Connection: Toggle On.
- Select your streaming mode: If you want to create, edit and delete Periods from the Vector Live App, select Edit as your streaming mode. If you want to view data only, click View.
If you want to connect multiple iPad to the same Activity, please see our How to view and edit Live Data on Multiple iPads guide.
- For more information on how to use the Vector Live App, please see our Vector Live iPad App - Quick Start Guide.