What are Athlete Groups?
Athlete groups are a way of filtering athletes visible in OpenField Cloud Widgets. Athlete Groups may be created to contain different athlete positions (e.g. Midfielders, Defenders, Forwards), different training groups for the session (e.g. Rehab, Full Training). Selecting these specific groups in the OpenField Cloud will allow data for only those athletes in the group to be seen in the Cloud Widgets.
How to Create Groups in the OpenField Cloud
In the OpenField Cloud, open an Activity. In the PIP box, select the Athletes that you want to add to a new or existing Group or an existing Group. Selected athletes will be outlined in a dotted black border as shown below.
Right click on any of the selected Athlete > Add to Group > New Group. This creates a new group in the OpenField Cloud and adds the selected Athletes to this group.
Enter in the name of the new Group into the prompt requiring a name for the New Group. Select Done.
How to Edit Groups in the OpenField Cloud
- To rename or delete groups, right click on the Group name and select Rename Group or Delete Group. Groups can also be renamed by clicking the name of the group.
- Players can also be removed from a group, added to a New Group or moved to an existing group by right clicking the Athlete in the Group.
How to Select Groups in the OpenField Cloud
To select a group on OpenField Cloud, expand the group by selecting the Collapse/Expand icon within the group and select the desired players. Only selected players will be shown in the OpenField Cloud Widgets.